It’s Poetry Friday, which is always exciting, but today I am especially excited because today also marks the beginning of my Readalong. Welcome! I am so glad you dropped by.
What’s a Readalong, I hear you ask? A readalong is where you are invited to read a book (or, in this case books) along with others doing the same. My readalong is running for four weeks, and each week I will be inviting you to read one of my verse novels. But don’t worry if you don’t have a copy of your own – you can dip your reading toes in to the extracts I’ll be sharing, and get a taste. If you DO have a copy, I would love you to grab it off your shelf, read, or reread, and participate by asking questions, posting comments, or sharing your reactions on social media using the hashtag #readwithsally, or the individual hashtags for each of the four books. This post here gives more details and, as you’ll see, the purpose of all this is to spread some verse novel love AND celebrate the release of my brand new verse novel, Worse Things, on May 1.
So, to start at the beginning, this first week, I’d love it if you would read along with my first verse novel, Pearl Verses the World, which was released waaaay back in 2009. Here is the cover, which still takes my breath away:
Heather Potter, the illustrator, rendered Pearl, and her world, so beautifully, and the team from Walker Books crafted the most amazing cover design.
If you haven’t yet read the book, here is the booktrailer that I made way back then (incidentally, this was my first ever attempt at a trailer).
And, if you’d like to hear an extract, here I am reading the opening pages:
Lastly, because it’s Poetry Friday, here’s one of the poems:
If you already have a copy of Pearl Verses the World, I would love if you would pick it up this week and revisit it. If you don’t own a copy, it is available in three editions:
The Australian version, published by Walker Books.
The US version, published by Candlewick Books
And the UK version (with a shorter title, just Pearl), published by Walker UK.
(Note that while these links do go to online bookstores, our brick and mortar stores are really struggling at the moment, so if you are going to buy a book, and have access to a local bookstore (lots are delivering!), I urge you to shop there.)
In the next few days I am going to post more about Pearl Verses the World – why and how I wrote it, some of the lovely moments that have come from interacting with readers, and more. You can join in: if you have a copy of the book, or a memory to share, I’d love to see a post on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook (#pearlvworld), or a comment here or on my Facebook page.
Thanks for reading this far and for joining in in whatever small way you can. And don’t forget there is, as very Friday, lots of other poetry goodness happening all over the web. You can see the Poetry Friday roundup at The Poetry Farm, hosted by Amy.
This was a lovely novel, Sally! How fun to do a readalong!
Thanks Laura. I am enjoying it, so I hope others are too.
This sounds like a great book!
Thanks Ruth!
I’m looking forward to getting a copy of Pearl vs the World. I keep ordering books (much to my husband’s chagrin) to keep my daughter and myself from going stir crazy. Another verse novel is perfect! Love your trailer and reading. : )
Thanks Bridget.I hear you on the book ordering. I should be reading through my unread pile, but somehow …
Thanks for visiting.
Love your post on Pearl Sally, your trailer, reading, and the art is so sensitive. I’ll have to find out what happens to this threesome… Thanks, I look forward to more of your readings!
Thanks Michelle. You are right about the sensitivity of the art. Heather’s work is amazing.
I have my copy of Pearl Verses The World sitting proudly among my expanding collection of verse novels Sally. I have used it many times in my work. It remains a favourite. I am pleased you are revisiting the process you undertook in writing this book. While process is an individual thing, it is quite illuminating, particularly for inexperienced writers. Your work,and that of others has inspired me to embark upon a verse novel for my latest writing project. Fourteen thousand words already captured…
So thank to you,- and to Pearl.
Thank you Alan. that means a lot coming from a poet and poetry advocate such as yourself. Great to hear you are working a verse novel of your own – can’t wait to read it.
I will see if my Indie bookstore has it, Sally. I love what you’ve shared & the idea of the sharing.
Thank you Linda. It means a lot to have people celebrating with me.x
I love Pearl’s voice…thank you for introducing us to her. When I listened to you read, I thought of a favorite book – HEY WORLD, HERE I AM! by Jean Little, who we lost this week. Much health and goodness to you and yours. Peace. x
Wow Amy. To be thought of alongside Jean Little is amazing. Such a loss. And hugs and health and goodness back at you. Thanks for visiting.
How did I not realize Pearl was available in the US??? Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!
I don’t know Michelle – but I’m glad you know now. Thanks for dropping by.
Sally, I just posted the following on your Facebook page: Sally, I just heard your read along at your Poetry Friday post today and really enjoyed hearing about Pearl. Students come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities, and many have experienced family issues like Pearl. I would like to share your video with teachers as a possible book to offer students who are feeling different than others. Thanks for sharing your read along at Congratulations on your new book, Sally.
Thank you Carol. I responded there but will do so again here. I’m glad you are going to share the video. I get told a lot that Pearl is a story about grandparents, or dementia, or families. And it is about all of those things. But it started out as a girl who felt alone and, to me, that is really the essence of the story – an exploration of what that feels like and how it might come about. And how to find a way through. Thank you for getting that from this extract 🙂
You authors are knocking it out of the ballpark with your generous sharing! THANK YOU!
Thank you Mary Lee. It’s not just authors. There is so much generosity always in the poetry world – and right now generosity is coming from all kinds of places. It helps navigate these times.
Well, it’s lovely to meet you, Pearl! I’ll have to rustle up a copy from my local Indie, Sally. Thank you so much for sharing her with us. I can’t wait to hear what you read next!
Thanks Christie. I love to think of my friends around the world looking Pearl up.
Verse novel love! My copy of Pearl Verses the World is in Japan and I’m currently in MA, so I’ll do a thinkalong!
A thinkalong is perfect. And I like imagining Pearl tucked away in Japan. She gets around!
Congratulations on Worse Things and I will definitely find Pearl vs the World here in the US. The trailer was well done. I look forward to reading it.
Thanks Janice. The trailer was very simple, but sometimes simple is all that’s needed. I get a special kick our of listening to the voice of Pearl at the beginning – it’s one of my own children reading.
I am so glad you are sharing these. I had missed Pearl Verses the World (and will look for it), but can I tell you I just love that title and cover. Congratulations on the new book coming out!
Thank you Kay, The cover is beautiful, isn’t it? I’ve been looking at for 11 years and still haven’t tired of it. The illustrator, Heather Potter, is amazing.