Hooray – it’s Friday, and time again for Featured Blogger Friday.
I am delighted today to welcome my good friend and fellow author and blogger, Claire Saxby. You can check out Claire’s blog in a moment, but first let’s hear more about her.
Firstly, why do you blog?
I set up my first blog when I went to Adelaide for a May Gibbs Fellowship in 2007. When I came back I decided to keep a blog going.
Why? I’m not completely sure. I guess it’s a way to increase my profile online although my posts are not always directly related to what I’m writing at the time.
What do you blog about?
I blog about things that are happening in my writing life and about events and publications. I also have blog visitors, to talk about what they are doing and how they do it. In between there are more random posts about whatever is occupying my head. Ideas come from all over the place and the blog gives me a place to note them, even when I’m not sure if or where they’ll lead.
Who is your target readership?
My website www.clairesaxby.com is directly about my writing for children and my blog also links directly to my books and appearances. The more random part of my blog is less tied to the ‘outcome’ end of my work and perhaps more to the thought processes that precede it. So I guess the target market is for those who are interested in what I’ve done, and those curious about what I might do next. If they can work it out from what I post, I’d be happy for them to tell me, because I don’t alway know!
How often do you blog?
It varies. At times it will be daily, and at other times it can stretch out to more than a week between posts. I do try to post as regularly as I can. I love taking photos and have just bought a new camera. These photos won’t necessarily lead to story ideas but they are part of my time out. I’m not saying they’re wonderful photos either but I do enjoy playing. I see poetry as being snapshots, and I see some photos (when I can do them well) as being another way of capturing a poetic moment.
How much time do you devote to blogging?
Again it varies. Sometimes all I’m posting is a date and time for an appearance, and at other times I will spend much longer. Preparing blog visits take longer because I will prepare questions and then format the blog entries more. I do schedule blogs ahead when I can, particularly if the scheduled date is a busy one in my off-blog world.
Do you have a favourite blog post?
Of my own? I’m not sure. Although they do act a little as a diary. I
like to look back and see where I’ve been. Again, I like looking at the
photos because they transport me to other places and times.
What do you see as the benefits of blogging?
I think the benefits of blogging are quite difficult to quantify. In
that way, they are just like any form of promotion. You put ‘it’
(whatever ‘it’ might be) and hope that it helps in some way to promote
your work. I recently was approached about a writing project purely
because someone had been casting around online and discovered my website
and blog. But I don’t attach any expectation to any promotional
exercise. I float it into the ether and what will be, will be.
What blogging platform do you use and why?
I use Blogger. Why? Because that was the one I’d heard of when I decided
to start blogging! Others I know use other platforms. Some of them seem
more versatile but Blogger suits me at present. I have my own website so
I don’t need my blog to function as a website (which some blogging
platforms can do). Blogger is simple enough to use and I’m now familiar
with it.
Do you have a favourite blog to visit (other than your own)?
I visit a range of blogs on a semi-regular basis. Some are the blogs of
friends or colleagues whose work I enjoy. Others are the work of editors
or agents or other industry professionals. Visiting other blogs
sometimes takes me further and further, connecting with creators and
others all over the world. It would be easy, informative and
entertaining to spend a great deal of time travelling the world via
blogs. I enjoy hearing about how others work. It’s also very affirming
to learn that others share many of the experiences that make writing
such a challenging journey – that you are not the only one to experience
frustration and disappointment!
Lastly, when you are not blogging, what else do you do?
Ooh, that’s a biggie. Depends whether you consider blogging work or
pleasure. Networking or other. I think blogging is a bit of everything
really. I take photos for fun. I walk my neighbourhood with my dog,
letting my brain and eyes have a break from the computer. I plan what I
will do in my leisure like learning to draw, reconnecting with my sewing
machine, reading, crosswords. Oh, and Scrabble. I’ll play with anyone
who’ll let me!
Thanks for dropping in, Claire
You can check out Claire’s blog here.And drop back next Friday to see who my next Featured Blogger will be.
Lovely to read- great blog Sally and Claire didn't know you were a scrabble fan- Rochelle and Sime challenging us to scrabble or five hundred each night- Kel is the scrabble champion.
Enjoyed the interview, Sally and Claire. Blogging is a 'pet' topic of mine so it's always interesting to hear how other people blog.
thanks for hosting me Sally!