Today is a special day. My latest book, Meet Mary MacKillop, is finally available in stores. I always regard my books as a bit like my children (though, rest assured, I do love my Murphlets best), so I thought to celebrate this special day I might write a letter to my new book. Maybe a little corny, but then I’m a corny kind of person. Anyway, here it is:
Dear Book-baby
Welcome to the world!
On the day of birth of each of my real-life babies, I gazed at them in wonder, grateful that the nine months of pregnancy and the toil of labour were over and I could meet this miraculous new being. And I wondered what life had in store for them, what they would grow to be, what we would weather together.
Your arrival is, admittedly, a little different. Firstly you took much longer than nine months to gestate, but just like a pregnancy that process had its highs and lows. The excitement of the initial idea, the bumps and nudges of my muse who doesn’t’ always know when she should be awake and when she should sleep and the agonies of self-doubt as I wondered if I was actually clever enough, and brave enough, to do it. Then the waiting, for feedback from the editor, for a contract, for the illustrator, designer, copyeditor, printer… Just like waiting for a baby to arrive, it felt like it might never happen.
Secondly I did get glimpses at what you’d be like. First there were roughs, then proofs for me to admire and, of course, well before release day I was able to hold you in my hands when the postie delivered my advance copies. I was even able to show you off to friends and family, without having to wait till today, your release day.
But still, despite the differences, here on your official birthday, the day of your release, I sit and look at you and wonder what’s in store for you, for us. Will you be sit lonely on a bookstore shelf, or will you be picked up, read, loved by young readers? Will readers young and old marvel at your tale, your gorgeous illustrations, your design? Will strangers stop me in the street to peer into the pram – oh, now that’s just a bit too far with the analogy. But I do hope critics, booksellers, teachers and parents will admire you enough to recommend and share you with youngsters.
I hope you and a long and successful life and that I will glimpse you not just around my own home but in stores, and schools and libraries. Like any proud mum I will tell the world about you, because I think your story is worth sharing. I’ll stroke your cover tenderly when no one is looking – and may even find myself sneaking you to the front of the shelf in bookshops so that you’ll get noticed.
So, my book-baby, once again welcome to the world.
Meet Mary MacKillop, illustrated by to amazing Sonia Martinez and published by Random HouseAustralia is the story of the woman who would become Australia’s first saint and her struggles to start a school for rural children. It is available now in good bookstores or online. You can see preview pages here.
Congrats, Sally! I saw a lovely stack of them today at Dymocks Garden City. They were right alongside some of Norman and James' books – a little SCBWI gathering!
Thanks Sue and Teena. At least this baby won't keep me awake at night (although it did while I was writing it!)
Congratulations on the new arrival, Sally. I hope it has a bright future.
Welcome to your new baby, Sally! Congrats. X