I have just added nine new books to Aussiereviews – that makes a grand total of 43 new reviews this moth. I think that is the most ever in one month. The new nine were all reviewed by me, but there have also been reviews this month from other reviewers, which is why the total is so high.
My favourite in this new batch is Killer Mackenzie, by Eve Martin, a young adult novel set in the Outback. It’s a funny read, best suited to teenage girls. Here’s a taste for you:
We drove along Sturt Creek’s main street, Main Street. (No joke!) If that was the main street, I hated to think what the other streets were like – if there were any other streets. I saw a Swimming Pool sign, so that was something. Sturts Creek seemed to have only one of anything: one chemist, one bank, one doctor, one supermarket, one milk bar…Definitely not somewhere you’d ever come for a holiday, so what was I doing there?
If you want to read the review, you can do so here.
My review pile doesn’t seem to be getting any smaller – they arrive as quickly as I can review them – quicker sometimes. But lucky me! I never run out of good reading material.
You sound really busy Sally, but I thought you might like to get involved in a meme tag… details on my blog. It’s all about listing things!! Hope you are up for it.