It’s Poetry Friday and I’ve been thinking about selfies: you know, those photos people take of themselves. I got a new mobile phone a couple of months ago, chiefly because I wanted a better camera – and gosh I’ve had fun snapping all kinds of things on my walks, my excursions, and at home.
Like lots of people, some of the photos I take are of myself – and I’ve coined the term Salfie (a bit punny, but there you go). I share these photos on social media, and text them to family and so on, but I always double check that I’m happy with the shot, and am quick to delete those I don’t like. It’s one of the wonders of digital photography – the ability to take dozens of shots and simply delete the ones we don’t like rather than waiting till after the film is processed, as in the not-so-0ld days.
Thinking about this self-editing (or Salf-editing) lead to today’s poem which, since it’s about photos, I’ve made into a Photostory.
Have a great Friday. This week’s roundup is at The Logonauts.
“Salfie” – hee hee, punny! I’m a bit selfie-impaired, but I love your self reflecting montage poem. =)
Thanks Bridget đŸ™‚
This phenomenon was worth a ponder and a poem! Delightful to see you with birds and skies in all weathers.
Thank you Mary.
Ooooooooooh, I think I might just like to take the challenge of the word “selfie” for my next Poetry Friday adventure. Great idea. Bravo!
PS: the sassy red glasses are my favorite. I need a pair of those. There are so many poets named Linda I need to find a way to stand out!
Thanks Linda. Funnily, I replaced my red glasses before Christmas – but keep going back to the old ones and am going to have to find another pair with the new prescription.
What a fun idea! This is one that would be a great inspiration for my middle school poets – I’m sure they have plenty of selfies to choose from!
Thanks Kate. I agree, I could see kids having fun with their own selfies.
I love it! I was just telling my children the other day about when you used to have to get your film developed before you had any idea how the photos looked!
Thanks Ruth. And yes, every shot was precious because film and developing was expensive.
Oh, those selfies. I am rarely satisfied, Sally. You are brave to share, and I loved each one, especially those with a bird in the background! Is that the real, and quirky, you? Fun to see and read!
Thanks Linda. Yes, I think I am a bit quirky – an sometimes can be a bit seagull-like!
Great video. I like your red frames. I used to have red frames, way back in the 80’s. I loved them. And I loved me in them. That was before digital pix and selfies I have almost no pix of me then. I was always the one snapping the photos.
The original selfie
Allows for retouching
And resizing
And a soft haze
Of remembered glory
I didn’t know Aussie’s can’t join in inlinkz. When I realized, I came looking for you. And here is your cheery, smiling self (-ie). LOL I hope you have a magical day.
Awww. Thank you Brenda for tracking me down. I’m off to check out as many posts as I can.
This poem is so much fun, Sally. I love it! Also; great pics.