1. 1. Visitors. Who doesn’t love visitors? An excuse to mix with someone who you maybe you haven’t seen for a while, or who you just love to spend time with. Blog visitors are the same – someone who you maybe haven’t even met in real life, but who you have connected with in some way online, drops into your blog to chat about writing, or life, or whatever. Fun.
2. 2. Content. Having someone drop into your blog is a chance for some fresh new content. Maybe the visiting blogger knows something you don’t, or maybe they can say it better, or even just differently, than you would.
3. 3. Celebrations. Most of my visiting bloggers come because they have something to celebrate – most often the launch of a new book. Having them visiting my blog brings the party here. How cool.
4. 4. Education. Okay, maybe this one overlaps with number two above, but it bears saying. Having a visitor to your blog for a guest blog post of an interview is a good chance to learn something – and/or for your readers to learn something.
5. 5. Sharing the Love. When you host someone on your blog, you are showing them you care, by giving them an opportunity to tell you, and your readers, all about themselves. And, in turn, having them here cana lso bring new visitors, as the visitor tells his/her own followers about his visit and invites them to visit.
See, it’s all win-win. And I’m excited because, although I’ve not had any blog visitors for a little while, Aussie author Ian Irvine is popping in on Saturday to talk all about the glamorous life of a writer. I can’t wait. And, if you’d like to be the next in line for a visit, let me know.