Housework. Chores. Jobs. I don’t think I know a single person who likes doing housework. It’s dirty, time consuming – and it seems that as soon as it’s finished, it starts again. But, I have promised myself to find positives in every area of my life, and as I was up to my wrists in dirty dishwater this morning, I started composing the following list. So, here goes – five cool things about housework.
1. 1. Cleanliness. When the work is done, my house is cleaner. And much as I don’t like housework, I like dirt and germs even less.
2. 2. Exercise. Bending, stretching, moving. I struggle to fit time into my routine for structured exercise 9even my wii-fit has grown cobwebs the past few months), but I hand out two loads of washing every day, I iron, I sweep, I pick up… I suspect I’m finding my 30 minutes of exercise 9and then some) without even trying.
3. 3. Less fear of visitors. When my house is clean, and a car pulls into my driveway, I don’t get that heart-stopping moment of “oh no – what will they THINK”.
4. 4. Think time. When I am doing something repetitive, I find my mind is on anything BUT what I’m doing. It’s a great time to process story ideas, figure out plot problems, chat to a character. Case in point – this blog post was drafted in my head while I washed the breakfast dishes, so that when I sat down to type it, it just flowed onto the page.
5. 5. Rewards. Leaving the best to last, my favourite thing about housework is that when it’s done – I can reward myself. Nothing delights me more than saying (to myself) “Well done, Sally, you’ve done such a lovely job of the housework you deserve a coffee break” (or facebook break, or chocolate break, or TV break, or whatever is relevant to the time of day).
Have a great day!
Deb Hockenberry says
Sally, I do what I have to do at that moment. Writing is much more important. Now, if I had a family to look after it might be a different story but I don't.
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parchet stejar says
Yeah totally agree with you, it is great to work from home. Personally for me the best thing for that is that i don`t loose 2 or 3 hours on the road to work and back.
Sally Murphy says
Well thank you kindly, Anna 🙂
anna says
What a lovely topic for a blog post! When I was going through an affirmations phase a few years ago I had, taped up above the kitchen sink, 'My life will always have dirty dishes. If this sink can become a place of contemplation, let me learn constancy here. ~ Gunilla Norris.' But I found I tended to contemplate mainly how irritating people were for using quite so many dishes, so I took
Sally Murphy says
Thanks for commenting ladies. I'm bad at it, too, Maree, so am pleased that I could come up with 5 things to like about it.
Anonymous says
I think like Maree, but in saying that, I think you have some valid points there Sally 😉
Maree Kimberley says
Sorry Sally, I must disagree on all counts! I hate housework. All I can think about when doing housework is how much I'd rather be doing something else! It probably doesn't help that I'm very bad at it, too 🙁