I’ve never been great with names. Not just with remembering them – though this is a very real problem for me – but also with making them up. This would be why I have several main characters called Marty – after all, having come up with one name for a slightly cheeky, but generally nice character, why not use it again, without remembering that I’ve used it before? And then there are titles – occasionally, just occasionally, they come easily to me – as with Pearl Verses the World, Toppling and my forthcoming picture book Head Hog (where the title came first and inspired the story) – but other times I agonise and test and try and the title just doesn’t come. And when an editor asks me to think about a new title – which can happen for a variety of reasons – I’m generally stumped.
So yes, I’m bad with names and titles. Which is why this blog has borne the fairly unoriginal name – Sally Murphy’s Writing for Children Blog. This was actually it’s second name, having initially been called Scribblings, which just didn’t fit – especially when one doesn’t actually scribble online. So I changed to Sally Murphy’s Writing for Children Blog. A mouthful, but at least anyone coming across it would figure that it was Sally Murphy’s blog, and that it was about Writing for Children. You’d think.
But the problem is, I don’t always blog about writing for children. My last couple of posts have been all about me. And there are lots of times when I think about blogging about something that takes my fancy but don’t because, I tell myself, it doesn’t fit in with a blog about writing for children. And so, after much deliberation (well, at least five minutes anyway), I’ve decided to change the blog’s name and let the posts take me where they will. I’ll still blog about writing for children, but I’ll also blog about other stuff too, as the mood takes me.
And the new name? You’ll see it above. What do you think?
lol, Jackie. It also rhymes with shameless, which is perhaps not so good 🙂
It rhymes with blameless so I love it!!