2. You have previously had two adult titles published. What differences have you found in writing for younger readers versus adult readers?
Structurally the Rosie Black books have not been as complicated as my adult books which was one of the reasons I wanted to write a young adult novel. The adult books I’ve written were epic fantasy so had many complex storylines that had to be interwoven and after working on those I needed a break, so I turned to young adult so I could have a more stream lined framework to create in. Not to say the actual writing has been any easier – it’s still just as much work to create good believable worlds and great characters! The main difference I’ve found between writing for adults and young adults is that the focus of the story must always remain on the younger characters, the adults must never intrude too much or take away from the story of Rosie. This is probably why in much of YA fiction parents are in the background and I had to make sure when writing the adult characters in the book that they too never took any of the reader’s attention too far away from Rosie herself. I learned that very early on. In writing for a younger audience there are also other considerations such as the amount of swearing used in the book and how sex is depicted, but the content of these is driven by the age group you’re writing for.
I always prefer doing what I’m working on at the moment! So yes, right now I am really enjoying writing for young adults, but I don’t actually see a great deal of difference between that and writing for adults. For me it’s always about the story and I don’t dwell to much on what age group may read it but just try to create the best story I can.
Find out more about Rosie Black and win a copy of Genesis at Lara’s blog: http://laramorgan.wordpress.com
Or check out the new Rosie Black book trailer and website at http://www.rosieblack.com.
genesis is available for purchase online here or in good bookstores.
Lara’s blog tour is stopping at all these great blogs.
Oct 11 Who is Rosie Black?
http://content.bommerangbooks.com.au/kids-book-capers-blog (that’s here)
Oct 12 Writing tips on creating a futuristic world.
Tuesday Writing Tips http://deescribewriting.wordpress.com (that’s my other blog)
Oct 13 The Publishing Process
Oct 14 Writing YA.
Writing a Fantasy Series
Oct 15 Interview
Oct 16 Interview
Oct 17 Writing sci fi
Oct 18 Heroines in YA
Oct 19 The Boy in this story; creating male characters in heroine driven YA.
Rosie Black’s past & future
Oct 20 Interview
Thanks, Sally and Lara.
It's interesting to find out that writing YA and adult fiction really isn't that much different.
I'm looking forward to reading more of Rosie's story.