The theme for this week’s 52-week Illustration Challenge is trees. I found this one a little easier than last week, but took a while to figure out how to present it. Hope you like the finished product.
by Sally
The theme for this week’s 52-week Illustration Challenge is trees. I found this one a little easier than last week, but took a while to figure out how to present it. Hope you like the finished product.
by Sally
The topic for for this week’s 52-week Illustration Challenge is Machinery. SO here’s my picture-in-words for the topic.
The Machine
It is big
It is exciting
Captivating and inviting
But I just have to ask
What is it for?
It’s got bits
Clicking and whirring
Go so fast my vision’s blurring
But once again I ask
What is it for?
There are crowds
Starting to gather
All a-blither and – blather
And they’re all wanting to know
What is it for?
Then it belches
Out some smoke
Clunks and bangs and it has broke
And now we’ll never know
What was it for?
Sally Murphy, 2014
by Sally