Phew. Today is the second last day of Five Minute Promo. What a busy month it has been, and I’m a bit sad that it’s coming to an end – though of course, it isn’t really, because promotion goes on for the life of the book – and the more you promote effectively, the longer the book is likely to stay in print. Anyway, onto today’s task, another really easy one.
Five Minute Promo # 30

Is sleeping a sport?
Head to your Twitter account and post a tweet about sport. That’s it.
Yes, this is another one of those ‘spread your net wide’ kind of posts, where I’m suggesting you go off-topic with your Twitter feed. One of the great things about Twitter is that it encourages you to follow eclectic tastes. Another good thing is that your tweets can be viewed by all manner of people, especially if you use hashtags well, or get retweeted. And the person who reads your tweet about AFL, or swimming, or hockey, or tiddlywinks (that’s a sport, isn’t it?) may well decide to follow you. And of course, the more followers mean more people see your tweets and get interested in you and want to buy your books.
No idea about sport? Your tweet might be anti-sport, or it might be about something you see on the television. With the Olympics coming up, there’s lots of coverage. Or, you could find someone else’s really cool tweet about sport and simply retweet it.
Off you go. Five minutes is all it will take. See you tomorrow for the final post.