We all know Christmas is coming, but today I’m sparing a thought for all the kids across Australia (and their teachers!) who are plodding their way through the last week(s) of the school year. Having been there many times – as a child and as a teacher, I know it can be both exciting and exhausting in equal measure.
Anyway, here is a poem from my files to hopefully make you smile.
Christmas is Coming
Christmas is coming.
We’ve stopped learning stuff at school
except how to sing Jingle Bells
while standing straight and tall
so the folks can get good piccies
at speech night;
and how to get glitter to stick
to a polystyrene ball
to hang on the Chrissie tree.
And how to make a gazillion cards
one for Mum
one for Dad
and two for the grandmas.
And how to carry homeaAll those scrapbooks
And artworks
and dead textas.
And how to concentrate
on all this
even though it’s 40 degrees
and our classroom isn’t airconditioned
and all we really think about
is that Christmas is coming.