It’s Poetry Friday. In 2024 I aim to post more regularly – poetry is so integral not just to who I am as a writer, or as an educator, but as a person, and the Poetry Friday community is one I really love being part of.
I started the year, as I do most years, by choosing a word that will hopefully guide my actions this year. My Word for 2024 is PAUSE.
As you can see, I considered lots of other words, taking a while to select a word that really covered what I’m aiming for, but pause feels a good fit.
I plan to pause more to enjoy the small wonders in my everyday life. But also to pause to be more present when I encounter people who matter to me – family and friends. And, in moments of potential overwhelm, I want to remember to pause to breathe and refocus on what is truly important, and to consider how I’m going to meet a goal, or overcome a challenge.
It’s fitting too that pause is a homophone for paws, because George and Narelle both make sure I pause each day – George making sure I enjoy the great outdoors even on days I think I don’t feel like it, and Narelle reminding me that it is absolutely to just take a moment or three to sit and stroke a cat.
In honour of these two, I took a moment to draft a poem about what they bring to my days.
Busy days
Long days
Tough days and rough days.
Tired days
Wired days
Happy days or sad days.
Meh days
Bleh days
Feeling-not-so-sure days.
Any day
Every day
Is better when you paws.
(Sally Murphy, 2024)
In addition to a word, I have also spent some time this week setting some goals for my work year, and getting clear on what it is that really matters to me in 2024. And, although I will post about some of those goals in another post, I do keep coming back to wanting to slow down, take time, enjoy my furry friends and my human ones, and pause.
Speaking of friends, Poetry Friday is hosted today by Marcie, who is also sharing her one word for the year. Head to her post to see what other poetry goodness has been shared.
What a sweet and tender poem for your loving paws, and they are awful cute there together too—wishing you many adventures with pause this year, thanks Sally!
Sally, I don’t think my comment is attached to your Reply page so here it goes again. this opening line really struck me as a golden winner and tip.
“In moments of potential overwhelm, I want to remember to pause to breathe and refocus on what is truly important, and to consider how I’m going to meet a goal, or overcome a challenge.” I also was invited by PAUSE to choose her as a year-long guide. I have had many ups and downs this past year so my OLW will be a great guide. Maybe we can exchange ideas on our OLW along the way.
Thank you for visiting and commenting Carol. I love that we have both been called by the same word, and knowing that you will be pausing with me, from afar, makes it extra special.
Sally, Happy New Year and happy PAUSE / PAWS days to enjoy. How about this? I also chose pause as my one word for 2024. It came to me in November and kept nudging me to pause, reflect, and renew my thoughts. I am glad to share my one word with you so hopefully we will have similar feelings on how we are moving through each day, week, or month with a newly found friend. My posts about PAUSE can be found at and again mentioned on Poetry Friday at
Sally, Your word ‘pause” is a great OLW. I also enjoyed how you honored your pets by making the poem and using paws. Truly creative. Thanks! Have a great new year!
Thank you Carol – and to you!
I love a long paws . . . er, pause! Loved your poem and the paws/pause homophones. Pause is a great word and a reminder to slow down and let things sink in. I’m all for it!
Thank you Janice. Letting things sink in is indeed important.
Your poem is perfect! Those furry friends will help you remember to pause, I’m sure.
Thank you Rose.
Sally, your poem made me smile. I love the words pause and paws and hope they bring your much joy in 2024!
Thank you Linda!
I love the word PAUSE. My book WAIT, REST, PAUSE makes me think about pausing all the time. 🙂 Lovely word!
Thanks Marcie. And thanks again for hosting.
Following you and your furry friends on IG have allowed me to pause/paws as well! Love your poem — the pattern of short/short/long lines is very effective. It reads well out loud!
Thanks Mary lee. It’s wonderful how line length can really help in a list poem.
Ah, the wisdom of PAWS! Blessings that your days be filled with just the right number of them.
Thanks Patricia – yes 8 paws seems to be the right number for me!
Your two furry friends are adorable! I love how you paused for your friends with paws. I hope they enjoyed the poem in their honor. : )
I think they did Tracey. They like being the centre of attention 🙂
This is so much fun. Every day is indeed better when you paws.
thank you Susan. I am currently reading comments while my cat plays with my hair, perched on the back of my seat. Funny thing.
Pause and Paws = wonderful! I hope this word enriches your life this year, Sally. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Irene.
How wonderful. I love all the other word possibilities in your pic…but pause is perfect. Look at those furry friends being so cute to pose for paws. You are a lucky poet! I look forward to posts from you. They are always gems on PF.