I’ve been catching up on my blog reading (much neglected of late in the midst of a very busy couple of months) and have found some real gems to share with you.
On Submitting Your Work:
Jane Friedman talks about the dos and don’ts of writing a bio to go with your query, while Nicola Morgan makes an excellent point about obsessing (or not) about cover letters. Well said, Nicola.
On/For Inspiration
Laura Salas shares a quote which really resonates with me, as it did with her, about the internet and its effect on us, and, if you are looking for inspiration, Kathy Temean’s writing prompts are a good starting point.
Writing Advice
13 year old Angus tells us 6 and 1/2 things he’d like all authors to know. How cool is this kid -a nd how spot-on is his advice?
Kathy Temean talks about the decision whether or not to use a prologue, and Nicola Morgan has a brilliant – and long – list of resources for writiers.
Author interviews
Megan Blanford at Kids Book Review interviews wonderful Aussie author Nette Hilton and, though technically not an interview, Michael Pryor guest blogs, also at Kids Book Review. Top bloke is Michael.
You’re still here? Get clicking on the above links and see if they do for you what they do for me. More soon.
Love your blog writing style. Keep up the good work:)