Goodness me. I am shocked, aghast, appalled to realise it has been four whole months since I last posted here. A blog without fresh content is not really a blog, is it?
In explanation, those months have been very busy ones for me personally. My beloved had Achilles replacement surgery, which saw us both pretty housebound for quite some time, and me honing my good-wife skills as I nursed him. Then I finished up at one day job, packed up house and moved three hundred kilometres, unpacked, and started a new day job. Oh, and did I mention settling four kids into new schools, worrying about unwell parents ….
So, time for blogging has been limited, as has time for writing. And I’m telling you this not to complain (okay, perhaps I am whining just a tad) but because if you are reading this and are an author, or an aspiring author, you can probably relate. Writing may be a job, but its irregular hours, and even more irregular pay packet, mean that there are times when life intervenes and writing is put on hold.
For me, I’m trying to see this forced hiatus as a good thing. Whilst I’ve had little time for writing, I have had time for thinking, and dreaming and planning. And now that I can see a few little chinks of free time opening up, I’m determined to take all those plans and dreams and the pent-up frustration of being away from my desk and unleash them onto some empty pages. And, of course, one of those pages is this blog, so hopefully you’ll be hearing more from me in the weeks to come than you have in the past four months.