Phew. I’m home, and have a little time to sit down and blog. My apologies to regular followers for my recent silence – my life has been a whirl!
A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to fly to Brisbane for the announcement of the CBCA Children’s Book of the Year Awards. Pearl Verses the World was shortlisted and, to my delight was named an Honour Book. I travelled to and from Brisbane with the lovely Rebecca Cool, illustrator of the picture book, Isabella’s Garden, also published by Walker Books, and also named an Honour Book.
As well as attending the Book of the Year announcements, held at Brisbane’s Custom’s House, I also attended the Queensland Branch’s Bookweek dinner. Both events were fun, and exciting and even a little overwhelming. This was my first ever trip to Brisbane, and I must say the Brisbane hospitality, and the sunshine, and the award, made it a wonderful place to visit.
Back home only briefly, I then headed to Perth for Bookweek, visiting the Altona Park library and Guildford Grammar Preparatory school. I love speaking to kids about my books, and about the writing life and about reading in general. I always come away more inspired than the kids, I think.
Home again home again for another catch up with my family, and two days at my day job before I headed off again – back to Brisbane. This time I was attending the Queensland Premier’s Literary Awards. To my delight, Toppling won the Mary Ryan’s Award for the best children’s book. What an honour!
Another flight and I was back in Perth in time to attend the WA Premier’s Book Awards where Pearl Verses the World was shortlisted, though not the winner. I was happy just to be on such an outstanding list, with Margaret Wild and Freya Blackwood the deserving winners for Harry and Hopper.
Now I’m back at home, with loads of inspiration to keep doing what I do.Pprobably the best part about all these recent successes has been all the lovely feedback from so many different people. Family, friends, writing colleagues, industry people, teachers, librarians, locals, complete strangers – all have been so wonderfully happy for me and with me. At times I have been quite teary by such demonstrations of all round niceness. So, to those who have shared in my happiness – a huge thankyou.
And, if you are interested, here is what I said in accepting the Mary Ryan Award (except, because I spoke without notes, this is a slightly tidier version than the real thing).
Premier, Ladies and Gentlemen
Wow. I’m delighted. I’ve been writing and submitting for about twenty years and, like most writers I know, it’s been a tough journey to get my writing to publishable standard and to actually get published. But suddenly, in the past couple of years, it all seems to have come together. Only 20 years to become an overnight success!
So I’d like to say to everyone else trying to balance day jobs with writing, or parenthood with writing, or struggling to stay focussed and positive in the face of rejection after rejection, that dreams can and do come true.
I’d like to thank my family back in WA, especially my husband and children – it isn’t easy living with a writer. Also, the two women to whom this book is dedicated – my sister and my sister-in-law who, like Dominic, have fought their own battles with cancer. My fellow writers, especially the children’s writing community, which is filled with supportive, lovely people. And Walker Books, who have shown such belief in me and in my stories. Of course, I’d like to thank the Premier and the Queensland Government for making this writer so very happy. An award like this is very affirming of what I’ve been trying to do.
Lastly, I’d like to remind every adult here tonight that children’s books are not just for kids. They are for the child inside each and every one of us.
Thank you.
Thanks Tania. I feel really blessed.
What a lovely post, Sally. So gracious of you to show encouragement to others during this wonderful time of your life. Enjoy every well-deserved and hard-earned moment. Tx
Thanks Mabel and Michelle!
Oh Sally, you leave me breathless. Again, congratulations. I'm waiting for the next book!
Congratulations once again!!
My girls 7 & 8 both loved Pearl verses the World – and so did I.