Back in September and October I took a couple of long walks. Actually, I take long walks regularly, but these two were particularly special, because they were out to sea – a mile and a bit out to sea, along the Busselton Jetty. This is a really magical walk, and well worth the time if you happen to be visiting my part of the world.
After the walks I sat down and wrote this poem, which I have finally got a round to editing, with the photos I took, into a video:
And here is the text version:

A lovely feature of the jetty is that it has poetry displayed on it. Hoorah!
I’m a mile out to sea
But I’m not wet
The planks beneath my feet
Don’t rock and sway
with the waves
I’m a mile out to sea
And so is the gull
Perched on the railing
Watching me
I’m a mile out to sea
And down below
Dark water swirls
And swooshes
Singing ocean’s song
I’m a mile out to sea
And around me
Salty breeze
whispers the secrets
of places far beyond
I’m a mile out to sea
But in a moment
I’ll turn
And start the long walk
Back to land smiling all the way.
(Poem copyright Sally Murphy)
The reason I’ve chosen to share this poem today is because, after I did that walk, I made a decision. I was going to get training and swim around the jetty. Every year, there is annual jetty swim, and I’ve told myself for years that I would do it one day. So I registered, and started training. I joined my local Masters Swimming group and I trained some more. A lot more. At first I wasn’t sure I could get fit enough. Now I’m feeling reasonably confident. And, if I don’t make it, there are plenty of ladders. And I can try again next year.
Wish me luck. I’ll let you know how I go.
Have a great Poetry Friday. Please visit the roundup, hosted by Katie at The Logonauts, for lots more poetry goodness.