The days are getting longer and a teensy bit warmer. My daffodils are flowering and there’s a spring in my step.
That’s right – spring is here! And yesterday, the first official day of spring in Australia, I found a poem bubbling up from the midst of my joy.
Come in!
Welcome Spring!
Come on in!
Let warmer sunny days begin.
Let daffies trumpet to the sky
That Spring is here
And Summer nigh.
Welcome Spring!
So glad you’re here
Let balmy blue-skied days appear.
Let flowers, bees and birds proclaim
How glad we feel
Because you came.
Welcome Spring,
My dear old friend!
You herald dreary Winter’s end
Such delight and joy you bring
As we welcome
(Sally Murphy, 2022)
And it’s not only Spring, but it’s also Poetry Friday. Imagine my giggle when I saw that today’s host, Linda at TeacherDance, has titled her own post Welcome September. Of course September is a little different in her part of the world, so it’s wonderful to think we are each able to celebrate such different beginnings.
Happy Spring! Happy September! And (shhhhhhhh) happy birthday to me 🙂