What a busy week! It’s the middle of year school holidays here and, with the Murphlets at home all day, my working routine has been disrupted. It seems I’ve spent half of the week in the car ferrying people hither and thither, as well as playing endless board games with Murphlets 5 and 6, who have played a game called Trouble almost non-stop. Then there’s Murphlet 3 who has landed himself in hospital today with a secondary infection from a bug he had earlier in the week. He woke up battling to breathe this morning and, though he’s better since the doctor put him on antibiotics and cortisone, is spending the night at the hospital for observation.
Anyway, I’ve not exactly had long interrupted hours at my desk this week, but rather than letting this worry me, I’ve been enjoying the time with the Murphlets and the breaking routine. Plus, the time in the car is good because I find driving great incubation time. I had to pick Murphlet 2 up form a sleepover today – an hour and a half’s drive each way So with three hours driving, I also had three hours to think about a new story. I’ve had a character and a name for a year and been promising myself that I’d find this character’s story some time. On the drive today I started thinking about him and wondering just what it is he wants the world to know about him. An idea began to tickle and I shared it with the Murphlets who were in the car (numbers four, five and six) who gave their opinion. Then on the drive home I tickled it out some more and shared it with Murphlet Two, who also gave her input. When I visited Murphlet Three at the hospital I shared the idea with him and he also responded.
When I finally got some time this evening to sit at my desk, I was able to type up the whole first draft of a new picture book. It’s rough – hey, it’s a first draft – but I can see it taking shape. Only another hundred drafts and it’ll be ready to submit!
Tomorrow will be another busy day, divided between the hospital and home (hopefully Murphlet 3 will be well enough to come home – I miss him and hated leaving him at the end of visiting hours tonight). But whatever I’m doing, I know I am always a writer, whether it’s an idea incubating, an experience which I can use in a future story, or an emotion that might one day shape a character. And when I do get time to sit at my desk I appreciate it all the more after a busy spell – and really use the time productively.
Have a nice weekend.