This post doesn’t really need an introduction so let’s get straight to it – five reasons you (or I) should write.
1. 1. You love words. The sound of them, the shape of them, the way they fit together. A perfectly written sentence sends frissons of joy down your spine.
2. 2. You love stories – other people’s as well as your own – and you see them wherever you go.
3. 3. There are stories in your head, or your heart, or both, that only you can tell.
4. 4. There is nothing else you’d rather be doing – if you’d rather be watching telly, gardening, climbing a mountain, partying, sleeping…do that instead. Write because you can’t not write.
5. 5. To get published (and maybe make some money). If you want to get rich or earn a living, writing is a really hard way to do it. That’s why it’s last on this list. If it’s all about money, go buy a lotto ticket or get a day job.