It’s been over a month since my last Poetry Friday offering and, in that post I was complaining about the cold, and looking for reasons to LIKE winter.
Fast forward to today, and its cold and wet and wintry – and, you guessed it, I am still struggling to find good things about winter.
But, I do have a pair of haiku that I wrote about being cold – and trying to flip between the downsides of being cold and the upsides. Here it is:
Caught in the rain
Burning of frostbitten toes
Blades of wintry wind
A plunge in cold pool
Bubbling fizzing lemonade
Shivering lemonade.
(Copyright Sally Murphy)
Not sure this really counts as flipping the bad to the good – because I seem to be arguing that being cold is winter in bad, but being cold in summer is good. Can you tell I’m a summer person?
But, because I’m a contrary kind of person, I also have a pair of haiku about the pros and cons of being hot.
Sweat-drenched smelly socks
Suffocating in-school days
Unrelenting sun
Thawing spring sunshine
Steam rising from chocolate drink
Toasty slipper toes.
(Copyright Sally Murphy)
And you can see that I found the good things about being hot right in the midst of winter.
Incidentally, these ‘opposite haikus’ (as I call them) appeared in my book for teachers last year, and were written quite some time before that. It was only when I typed them up for this blog post that I noticed something in the syllable counts. If I’m sticking to a 5/7/5 syllable count for each haiku (and yes, I do know that true haiku do not have to adhere strictly to this count) – then the line about the chocolate drink is questionable. It depends on pronunciation – the dictionary tells me that it definitely has 3 syllables – choc-o-late – but I confess, when Is ay it it definitely comes out with only two – chock – let – which is how it is that I have never noticed this in my own poem before.
Does it matter? Probably not – although now that I’ve noticed it, it annoys me, because I’m a stickler for rules.
But being distracted by syllable counts has taken my mind of being cold. So that’s gotta be good thing, right?
I’m off to make a hot chocolate and browse the rest of the Poetry Friday posts. They always warm my heart. The Roundup is hosted by Elisabeth – you should check it out 🙂