With two days to go until the official release of Fly-In Fly-Out Dad, the reviews are starting to arrive. Unlike waiting for Dad to get home, waiting for reviews can be pretty nerve-wracking, so I’m really pleased to say that so far, it seems that reviewers like the book. Better still, they are understanding the intent of the book.
Dimity Powell at the Boomerang Books blog says Fly-In Fly-Out Dad: “is relevant and light-hearted yet intrinsically sensitive to the FIFO dynamic.” She has written a very thorough analysis of the book, which you can read here.
Another wonderful review is from the team at Collins Chirmside, who describe the book as: “A must have for any family where mum or dad have to stay away from home for their work.” You can see their review here.
It was also wonderful to see on a list of 15 books which celebrate the diversity of family life at Readings on the weekend.
As an author, you can’t write for reviewers (just as, as a reviewer, you shouldn’t be writing for the authors), but it always wonderful to know that a reviewer appreciates what you were trying to do.