Have just spent a fun half an hour doing virtual jigsaw puzzles of the covers of Toppling and Pearl Verses the World, after fellow shortlisted author, Chris Bongers pointed out that Mrs B has a great interactive website which has puzzles and other activities for shortlisted titles in the CBCA Childrens Book of the Year Awards for the past three years. How very cool.
The Toppling page has links to teacher’s notes, a cloze passage, a domino topple and a domino game, while the Pearl Verses the World page has teacher’s notes, a cloze passage and poetry activities. And, of course, both pages have a 20 piece jigsaw of the book covers. There are similar pages for all the other shortlisted books in the Picture Book, Younger Readers and Early Childhood categories of the awards.
What a fun way to get kids interested in the shortlisted titles – and a great help for teachers and librarians wanting to focus on the awards! Well done Mrs B for putting so much work into creating this resource – and thanks for challenging me with the Cloze passage. Was very relieved to get 100%