Yesterday I celebrated the release of Fly-In Fly -Out Dad. Today, as I was getting ready to head out for a newspaper interview, I got word that Roses are Blue (which, coincidentally, was released one year ago yesterday, making my two books bookday buddies) has been shortlisted for the Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year Awards, in the 8-10 year old category. Huzzah!
I am a huge fan of this award (not just because I won it in 2011 for Pearl Verses the World) because it “aims to promote children’s books as literacy tools, as well as raising awareness of the role of speech pathologists play in helping children develop language and literacy skills. The awards:
- promote quality Australian children’s literature;
- enhance awareness of the role speech pathologists play in language and literacy development; and
- encourage a love of reading.” (from the Award website)
The full shortlist for this year’s award is online here.
It’s a great week!