I’ve spent a lot of time walking lately, and have several favourite places where I can walk and watch dolphins at the same time. One of them is a place called The Cut, where the Australiand estuary meets the Indian Ocean. When I was there a few days ago there were at least a dozen dolphins, busily fishing, and also catching the waves that were breaking just off the end of the cut. I drafted a poem in my head as I walked, at the same time I tried (not very succesfully) to capture what I was seeing with my phone camera. Unfortunately, the phone just can’t zoom enough to really do justice to the magic happening on the water – and the dolphins, when they jump, don’t let you know in advance so you can get your timing right 🙂 Still, I thought I might match the poem with some of my shots.
At The Cut
So many dolphins
catching fish
catching waves
catching air.
(If you watch right to the end you’ll see the dolphin jump out of the wave)
And me,
on the beach,
catching my breath
as I try to catch it all
on camera.
And here’s the poem without all the interruptions:
At The Cut
So many dolphins
catching fish
catching waves
catching air.
And me,
on the beach,
catching my breath
as I try to catch it all
on camera.
(Sally Murphy, 2016)
Happy Poetry Friday. The roundup this week is hosted by Carol at Carol’s Corner.